Personal Retreats

Personal retreats are only open to those who have done previous work at the Temple.

Personal healing retreats can be entirely self-directed or can combine several different types of session work.  Also, physical cleansing processes are supported.  Whether you are fasting, doing a juice cleanse, or eating light raw foods.  You will be in a quiet, safe and nurturing space.  A supportive space that supports your deepening connection with yourself.  This is an experience that can be customized to what wants to emerge next in your life.

The Temple is located right on the shore of one of the largest lakes in California.  Right next to the Temple is a wilderness bird sanctuary and next to that is a state park with extensive marsh lands that can easily be reached from the Temple by kayak.  The Temple has its own boat house stocked with kayaks and its own boat dock near the boat house.  Bicycles are also available and there is good hiking along the lake in the wilderness area and state park.